How to run without getting injured.

Even though everyone can run, how to run without getting too tired or injured? Running posture is very important.
For most people, it’s an unavoidable reality of running: injuries will happen. But while some may be just down to bad luck, many are avoidable – and with sensible training, resting. When necessary and working on the basics of strength and conditioning. You can make yourself as robust and injury-proof as possible.
Generally, you can divide injuries into two main types: ‘acute’ and ‘chronic’. With an acute injury, you can normally pinpoint exactly when it happened – for example spraining your ankle or tearing a muscle. Chronic injuries, by contrast, tend to built up over time. These are actually more common in runners. The repetitive nature of running means that an initially minor niggle can be amplified until it becomes more of a problem. The good news, however, is that its much easier to predict and thus avoid – chronic injuries.
Things to consider while running are as follows:
1. Running posture : Arrange the body in a straight line from the feet to the head. Do not look up or down too much because it will cause tension in the neck and shoulders. Look at the ground about 30-40 meters ahead. Do not bend the body or fold the waist to lean forward.
2. Move , lean forward so that the weight or momentum of the entire body falls forward and the foot that is about 3-5 inches forward will make the entire body lean forward in a straight axis to support the weight that is transferred.
3. Place the foot. When the front part of ยูฟ่าเบท the foot touches the ground, immediately lift the heel up. Lift the heel towards the buttocks. Fold the knee and thrust forward slightly. Then quickly step with the other side to support the next step around the foot in a circle. When the knee of the front foot touches the ground, it must not be stretched in a straight line. Slightly bending the knee will provide flexibility and prevent impact.
4. Appropriate time. Each person’s running pace is different. Try practicing and finding a time when you are comfortable running. If you want to improve your time, you have to practice regularly to develop your heart and body to the appropriate point. You don’t always have to run fast to avoid injury or danger.